NSW Premier says new laws on alcohol-related violence ‘will make a difference’
What a Fizzer: Most jurisdictions flunk the alcohol policy scorecard
New push to curb alcohol ads in sport
Greens push for bans on liquor advertising
Alcohol a factor in third of ED patients
Hospital emergency units tell how alcohol-related cases disrupt treatment of others
Drug and alcohol funding cut: health professionals are ‘absolutely furious’
Interview with Brian Vandenberg about the NSW results in the 2013 National Alcohol Policy Scorecard
Getting drunk should be frowned on, police say after 1,000 weekend arrests
ACT top for tackling alcohol-related harm, says national body
Alcohol-fuelled violence on our streets: two nights of living hell in NSW
Community must change attitude to address alcohol-fuelled violence, says NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell
Majority of states fail alcohol alliance’s policy test, Federal Government gets ‘fizzer’ award
Queenslanders have a drinking problem
Action against alcohol related violence
Itching for a fight: the motives behind alcohol-fuelled violence
Punch-drunk culture must stop celebrating alcohol abuse
Alcohol Action Plan released by the Australian National Council on Drugs
Path to reduce alcohol harm is clear
1 in 8 youth deaths linked to alcohol, finds ANCD report
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